The Charlotte Interfaith Equality Coalition advocates and promotes equality and justice grounded in our faith perspective for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in the Charlotte area. Our goal is to raise visibility and dialogue around the challenges these everyday North Carolinians face.
Listings marked as: Faith
Charlotte Atheists & Agnostics
Charlotte Atheists & Agnostics has developed a mission statement that will guide the events and projects we host. The mission statement of CAA is: To create and foster a close-knit community of non-believers and to put a positive face on atheism through education, public outreach and community service. We welcome and encourage membership from persons of […]
Havurat Tikvah
Neighborhood: South End/Dilworth
Popular with: Friendly
Havurat Tikvah is the Reconstructionist Congregation of Charlotte, N.C. We are a diverse group of families, singles, Jewish and interfaith couples, who study, share joys and sorrows, celebrate Shabbat and the holidays together and participate in projects that promote social justice. We value and depend upon member participation and leadership for our religious services, our […]
Unity Fellowship Church of Charlotte
Neighborhood: South Charlotte
Popular with: LGBT Mixed
Unity Fellowship Church Charlotte (UFCC) has been organized for the spiritual growth of its members and the furtherance of Christianity. We work from the platform of Liberation Theology toward the eradication of any form of oppression that rises through the interpretation of Scripture and/or any other religious writings. We are an affirming Church and believe […]
Temple Beth El
Neighborhood: Myers Park/South Park
Details: Jewish
Popular with: Friendly
Temple Beth El is an inclusive congregation and as such strives to meet the spiritual and cultural needs of gay and lesbian Jews, many of whom have felt marginalized by mainstream Jewish life. Through the activities of Keshet, they have come to see Temple Beth El as their home and their connection to the Jewish […]
Holy Covenant UCC
Holy Covenant United Church of Christ seeks to be a transformative community, where we seek to express our faith in both word and action. Striving to reflect the inclusive love of God, we welcome all — and our congregation reflects a wonderful diversity of backgrounds and perspectives. If you’re just beginning to ask questions about […]
Seigle Avenue Presbyterian Church
Neighborhood: Uptown
Details: Christian, Presbyterian
Popular with: Friendly
Siegle Avenue Presbyterian is a multi-cultural congregation in an urban that welcomes and celebrates all people. We recognize and honor diversity. We include people from different races, economic classes, traditions, cultures, ethnicities, genders, ages, and sexual orientations. We stand for peace and justice realizing the vision of a “whosoever” church in the all-inclusive Kingdom of God.
Caldwell Memorial Presbyterian Church
Neighborhood: Elizabeth /Midtown
Details: Christian, Presbyterian
Popular with: Friendly
Caldwell Memorial Presbyterian embrace the rich history of the Reformed Tradition and the storied past of our once-prominent, center-city church, as we welcome a diverse, urban community of seekers—young and old, gay and straight, rich and poor, of all races and ethnicity.
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Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Neighborhood: Plaza Midwood
Details: Christian, Lutheran
Popular with: Friendly
Beyond Gay Friendly…Holy Trinity is Gay supportive. At Holy Trinity, we believe being supportive of LGBT persons is a given for followers of Jesus Christ. We don’t talk about homosexuality as a sin, because we don’t believe it is one. We don’t accept gay people as long as they keep quiet about who they are. We celebrate […]
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
Neighborhood: Elizabeth /Midtown
Details: Christian, Episcopal
Popular with: Friendly
We are a diverse community that affirms the inclusion of all of the children of God in all aspects of ministry and life in this parish, regardless of age, gender, race, economic states, sexual orientation, or spiritual journey. We seek to be a parish that is a reflection of the community in which we live.
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Wedgewood Church
Neighborhood: South Charlotte
Details: Baptist, Christian
Popular with: Friendly
Wedgewood is a group of folks figuring out how to be a social justice oriented, GLBTI inclusive, incarnational, contemplative, irreverent, ancient – future church with a progressive but deeply rooted theological imagination. The Wedgewood theological zoo includes quiet spirituality, activist spirituality, cranky spirituality, honest faith spirituality, intellectual spirituality, a spirituality of simplicity, psychologically–oriented spirituality, labyrinth […]
New Life Metropolitan Community Church
Neighborhood: Plaza Midwood
Details: Christian, Protestant
Popular with: LGBT Mixed
New Life MCC is dedicated to providing a safe and empowering spiritual home for members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered (LGBT) and our affirming community, both seekers and believers, through joyful and creative worship, fellowship, learning, outreach, music, and art.
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Metropolitan Community Church of Charlotte
Neighborhood: East Charlotte
Details: Christian, Protestant
Popular with: LGBT Mixed
Metropolitan Community Church of Charlotte, founded in 1980, continues to share the Good News of God’s transformational love and acceptance with everyone, including those of every ability, race, creed, gender, age, national origin, lifestyle, sexual orientation or tradition.