Get Involved

Visit Gay Charlotte has exciting opportunities for businesses, organizations, events and community members to get involved in the creation, maintenance and sustainability of our project.

Suggest new listings, update existing listings and submit community events

You can suggest new listings or update existing listings for accuracy by using our handy form at

You can also submit each of your business’ or community group’s events for inclusion in our Visit Gay Charlotte Calendar. Click here to submit an event for free.

Rate and review listings

Community members have the opportunity to rate and review each listing on our site. Rate a listing with as many stars as you think it deserves or write up a short review of your experience there. Help other LGBTQ travelers, newcomers and residents find their way around the Queen City!

Let us feature you: Ticket giveaways and promotions

Have an upcoming play or musical, special nightlife event or concert? Let us feature your activity with special ticket giveaways to Visit Gay Charlotte community! Let Visit Gay Charlotte promote your event with special giveaways and other promotions through our website, Facebook and Twitter. There’s no better way to build excitement for your event! To learn more about how we can help advertise your event with ticket or merchandise giveaways and special promotions, email us at [email protected].

Submit feature articles and reviews

Did you visit a nice restaurant, store, bar, club or event and want to share your amazing experience? Is there a high-profile event heading our way and you want to give it the extra bit of exposure it deserves? Submit your community contributions in the form of feature articles and reviews!

Submission guidelines:

  • Must be between 400-900 words in length
  • Must include at least one feature photograph
  • In the case of forthcoming events, please submit your contributions at least two-three weeks in advance of the event date
  • Submit community contributions to [email protected] with subject line “Community Contribution”

Coming soon: Featured Products and Services

We’re looking forward to working with businesses and organizations who’d like to have their brands promoted to a large, savvy market that is hungry for places to go and things to do when they travel to Charlotte, whether that’s simply for business or for pleasure.

Visit Gay Charlotte plans to soon offer businesses, events and organizations opportunities to increase their visibility on the site. Many of our featured products, such as featured listings, section sponsors and front page featured listings, are still in test- and case-study mode.

Stay tuned for more details or contact us at [email protected] if you’d like more information now.